
Scales for weight loss

Total Health Magazine Feature - Chlorella for Successful Weight Loss

Chlorella - Safely Addressing the Many Causes of Weight GainIf you are finding it difficult to lose weight then you may have arrived at awareness that it is time to make changes. There is one superfood that addresses the many underlying issues, which have been recognized as contributing to weight gain. Chlorella is a tiny one-cell fresh water algae that is a mighty source of nutrition for healing and detoxing the body. There are many ways that Chlorella have been proven to address the many causes of weight gain.To read more visit here
TotalHealth TV | Video Discussion with John Barson & Dr Sherrill Sellman on the amazing benefits of Chlorella

TotalHealth TV | Video Discussion with John Barson & Dr Sherrill Sellman on the amazing benefits of Chlorella

Please watch the video below as TotalHealth TV discuss the amazing benefits of Chlorella. Nature has given us a profound gift for our health. It is found in an amazing, very small one-cell green algae, called Chlorella. This unique form of algae has been a source of incredible nutrition for humans as well as animals. What makes chlorella even more special is its ability to detox the myriad of chemical and heavy metals found in our environment and bodies. Chlorella has an amazing ability to safely remove all forms of toxicity from our body.
Total Health Magazine Feature- Sun-Grown Chlorella For Nourishing, Healing and Cleansing the Body

Total Health Magazine Feature- Sun-Grown Chlorella For Nourishing, Healing and Cleansing the Body

Nature has given us a profound gift for our health. It is found in an amazing, very small one-cell green algae, called Chlorella.  This unique form of algae has been a source of incredible nutrition for humans as well as animals.  What makes chlorella even more special is its ability to detox the myriad of chemical and heavy metals found in our environment and bodies. Chlorella has an amazing ability to safely remove all forms of toxicity from our body. The story of chlorella goes back a long, long time.  It is estimated that it appeared on earth two billion years ago. Chlorella belongs to the first unicellular organisms from this time. This microscopic green algae is a true survivor! How has this simple plant managed to survive all these billions of years? Equipped with an especially strong multi-layer cell wall, Chlorella has protected itself against life threatening environmental conditions and has consequently developed an extremely efficient behaviour pattern. Drought, radiation, highly concentrated poisons such as heavy metals, pesticides and other organic solvents have not managed to drive Chlorella to extinction. On the contrary, it has constantly developed new survival strategies allowing it to thrive.Read More here
Presentation on BioGenesis algae's massive impact on global sustainability

Presentation on BioGenesis algae's massive impact on global sustainability

BioGenesis CEO presenting how BioGenesis algae can make a massive impact on global sustainability and climate change at the Ipswich Food and Agriculture Network meeting .
Newspaper Feature- A Green Tide Is Turning
Algae farm

Greater Whitsunday Algae farm named AgTech Global Finalist

The not so humble micro green algae is not just a superfood the super-fit and health conscious but also plays a role in creating a healthy green and carbon neutral economy. Algae is one of the oldest and most nutritious plant life forms on earth. It's known as a "superfood" due to its incredibly high concentrations of essential nutrients. This superfood however is a superstar also in leading the way to evolve both the AgTech and Biofutures industries in the Greater Whitsunday region. Genesis Algae Innovation Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Frank Mason said the algae farm at Bowen was recently named an Agtech global finalist in the Extreme Tech Challenge.Read full article here
Interview with Dr Shellman

Interview with Dr Shellman

What Women Must Know – The Health Benefits of Chlorella with Colin McGregor Colin McGregor has over 27 years experience managing and directing projects and operations in a variety of industries. His background is engineering and project management, working over 15 years in a number of roles at Qantas Airways limited including aviation biofuel. He has also held the roles of Director in the Australian Department of Defense plus Chief Operating Officer for a high technology manufacturing firm. Colin is a certified Master Project Director and directed the winning project for the Australian Institute of Project Management Achievement Awards at both the State and National levels. He founded Biogenesis as he is a true believer in the health benefits of algae as a natural heath supplement and that algae will play a much larger role in the food and protein source future of the planet. Mr McGregor is one of Australia’s most experienced commercial algae growers and has commercialized algae growth systems for a number of Australian companies.Listen to the interview here
Conscious Living Magazine Feature

Conscious Living Magazine Feature

Chlorella Green Algae detoxing superfood for nutrition and beauty The Japanese are renowned for their longevity. Japanese life expectancy is the world’s highest, at 87 years for women and 81 years for men. The average lifespan of the Japanese is the highest it has ever been, and they keep getting older! In 2019, the number of Japanese aged 90 reached 2.31 million, including over 71,000 centenarians. So have the Japanese found the fountain of youth? Just maybe! It seems that there is one source of nutrition, in particular, that plays a major role in Japanese longevity. That source of nutrition is found in a very special kind of algae called Chlorella.   More than ten million Japanese eat chlorella daily for both their nutritional and therapeutic needs.   Read full article here
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